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More Stains to the Ink Fiasco

The way our Her Majesty's appointed civil servant overseeing the elections are trying so hard to provide an acceptable no nonsense transparent answers to the controversy surrounding the ink fiasco is further tainting their reputation as being trustworthy or aligned to 1Malaysia's promise of change.

Actually if we follow the EC's flip flop explanations and most time bizarre logic, the only element of change is their changing story on the inky fiasco hah!

The latest of needing to dip it to ensure the ink stays the timeframe it should, does not increase their credibility one dot more.

Their trying so hard to avoid revealing the supplier further fans the doubt and public perception of trying to hide and protect someone's or some people's interests? Or is it to safeguard the supplier that they may go into bankruptcy and render some people jobless huh?

If we are to be a developed nation and one claiming to be more Islamic than the Islamic nations of the Middle East, isn't it the responsibility of the 1Malaysia's government to protect the interest of its people by exposing businesses who are unscrupulous and cheat consumers. Would not the government be party to dishonest businesses in swindling the consumers and public huh?

Someone or party is lying about the ink that is to be supplied and use. It's not th fault of the supplier if the RFI states delible ink to only contain food colouring and they dutifully supply food colournig right?

Which colour to use?
But right from the start we were told it's indelible and should contain that mandatory silver nitrate in amounts supposedly given blessings by the Health authorities who denied having done so. So the RFI to suppliers must be with a certain amount of silver nitrate right?

If I was the honest ink supplier who supplied food colouring as in the RFI I would come out to clear my name and reputation right?

But someone, the OSA net seems to be cast on the supplier and what the actual order for ink was. Why the need for secrecy? Is the ink supplier producing sensitive military equipment that is used to protect BolehLand and exposing them would threaten the security of our nation and people huh?

Let's some there are those in the know will be pricked with ethical and moral duty to expose the real story behind the fiasco than allow the authorities to continue to stain the reputation of BolehLand as having leaders who are either saints or incorrigible liars hah!

And what has keeping mums on the colour of the ink in the K.Besut election is to safeguard in the words of supposedly winnable Ministers

"If we were to disclose the information, errant voters will buy an ink of that colour and dip their finger.

"They will line up at polling stations and ask for ballot papers, claiming that their finger had been dipped into the indelible ink. This is for security reason."

Now if every vote is important, which moron voter will want to make it difficult to vote by dipping into it and then go to the polling station huh?

And we though the other His Majesty's appoint EC servants were clueless duh... hah!

For the security of the nation, we should really lock us such leaders who don't seem to display common sense. And we are supposed to adopt the 'Pemimpin menjadi Taulada' principle.

The ink has not really dried yet in this ink fiasco. In BolehLand expect stupidity as an evergreen trait and behaviour, throw in lying, too for some of His Majesty's appointed people.

What kind of foolproof answers will they think up of next is anyone's guess. Don't expect the Holy Month of Ramadhan for our politicians to tell the truth. Most likely they will just withhold making fun of themselves and lying until the 30 days have passed...even if the by election is over by then hah!

It was also reported in the media that to respect the holy month of Ramadan, PAS and UMNO will behave civilly during the campaign period for the by-election.

Aren't these fellows mocking their religion, God or what? You spend 11 months of the year committing the worst of sins and for one month behave holy holy to respect your enemies out of respect for your God huh? What of the other 11 months?

Are we not treating God like some hunting season? So you hold your horses and keep the parang aside or uncokc your gun for a month, after that hunting season again huh?

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